Forgotten Villains: Star Trek TAS: The Phylosians

By Owen Quinn author of the Time Warriors and Zombie Blues

Photos copyright Paramount Pictures

I was recently made aware of just how many movies and television shows the younger generation have never heard of, never mind seen. So to that end, we look back at some characters you really need to see before you kick the bucket.

In the animated series episode The Infinite Vulcan, the Enterprise crew meet a race of plant based aliens called the Phylosians from the planet Phylos. These are totally alien in nature and appearance something which could not have transferred across well as a live action alien. Of course it would be easy to do today but in those days, animation was the way to go.

At first the Phylosians appear friendly and welcoming as they save the life of Sulu. A passionate botanist, Phylos is a goldmine for him. However he is stung by one of the indigenous life forms. Doctor McCoy is unable to stop the helmsman from dying but the lead alien Agmar gives him the antidote. However, this is a distraction to kidnap Spock. The Phylosians reveal they were devastated by a plague brought by a human traveller explaining their familiarity with human biology in saving Sulu’s life. Stavos Keniclius is dead but cloned himself resulting in a giant version of himself. He was sickened by all the chaos in the galaxy like the Eugenics Wars, Romulan War and much more so has searched for the perfect specimen in which to create an army of peacekeepers and that army will be a race of Spock giant clones. This was achived through his knowledge gained during the Eugenics War. His path brought him to Phylos where we learn he carried a disease that decimated the Phylosians. They have no problem with Stavos’ intentions as they saw a fellow spirit in him especially now Spock’s hybrid nature will help bring about their original intentions of imposed peace. Think the Empire and you get the picture.

The Phylosians reveal that before the plague Stavos brought, they had a massive fleet of ships about to launch on the galaxy. They had the same view and were going to impose peace on every planet just like Stavos intends to do. Kirk fails to persuade them that there was peace brought about by mutual cooperation between all species in the Federation.

While the Phlosias intentions were honourable and driven by a need for peace, their methods left a lot to be desired. Maybe fate played a part here by bringing about Stavos’ arrival and subsequent plague to prevent that from happening. But an iron fist does not guarantee peace and stability; instead it will bring about unrest and resentment. It is only when the giant Spock realises Kirk is right does he perfom a mindmeld on the dying original Spock allowing him to leave. The giant Spock will stay with Stavos and both clones will continue the work to make the whole of the galaxy a better place. There is also the chance of saving the Phylosians and restoring their race again. They do pop up in a crowd scene of aliens so perhaps they have taken the first steps to being part of the galactic peace you longed for.

Published by timewarrior1

I am a resident of Northern Ireland and have been a life long science fiction and horror fan. My desire to write for his favourite show Doctor Who at the age of fifteen led to the birth of the Time warriors series. I am the creator of the Time Warriors and Zombie Blues books. I am a regular attendee at conventions and infamously fell and broke his shoulder at his first Walker Stalker convention in London but still managed to keep my photo ops with both Chandler Riggs and Danai Gurira. I am a keen photographer and also have a secret desire to be the first Irish Doctor Who. Russell T Davies I have stories galore for the show!

2 thoughts on “Forgotten Villains: Star Trek TAS: The Phylosians

  1. Another interesting alien species of the Trekiverse to remind us how animation once succeeded where live action once couldn’t. Thank you for this article.

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