Forgotten Villains: Torchwood’s Gray

By Owen Quinn author of the Time Warriors and Zombie Blues photos copyright BBC I was recently made aware of just how many movies and television shows the younger generation have never heard of, never mind seen. So to that end, we look back at some characters you really need to see before you kickContinue reading “Forgotten Villains: Torchwood’s Gray”

Was Gwen Cooper really the Heart of Torchwood?

By Owen Quinn author of the Time Warriors and Zombie Blues I was in hospital recently and had my DVD player with me to cope with the boredom. One of the boxsets I brought with me was the entire Torchwood series right up to Children of Earth and something struck me. From the start GwenContinue reading “Was Gwen Cooper really the Heart of Torchwood?”

Revolution of the Daleks trailer released

By Owen Quinn video copyright BBC ‘How many people in the universe get to meet the Doctor let alone travel with her?’ I’m not a big fan of the 13th Doctor’s era mostly due to the writing but I have to say the Christmas special Revolution of the Daleks trailer actually has me excited. CouldContinue reading “Revolution of the Daleks trailer released”