The Greatest Cliffhanger You Never Knew About!

By Owen Quinn author of the Time Warriors and Zombie Blues

Back in the 80s, the American soap operas dominated the airwaves. Dallas and Who Shot JR was the biggest cliffhanger in soap opera history and set the world talking about it in such a frenzy. Dynasty and Falcon Crest were the big boys to the point Dallas got its spin off, Knots Landing, and so Dynasty got one too in the form of the Colbys starring Charlton Heston and Stephanie Beacham.

However, unlike Knots Landing, the Colbys were cancelled after just two seasons. So in the wake of the Bobby in the shower cliffhanger in Dallas and with each show going for bigger and better showstoppers like plane crashes, earthquakes, death and terrorists at wedding massacres, the producers of the Colbys decided to go out in the craziest ending of all time. And what could be crazier than a UFO carrying off one of the cast?

Now they did put money into it with the guys behind the special effects of Close Encounters of the Third Kind designing the ship. It looks great and who couldn’t fail to get excited when the ship lifts off from the classic desert setting, does a U-turn in midair and flies right at the camera then stopping in freeze frame with the dramatic soundtrack booming.

The effect is visually stunning and utilises the common UFO scenarios of an alien abduction to great effect leaving the audience gasping. In a nice touch, Fallon’s experience aboard the UFO is referenced and shown in flashback when Fallon and Jeff return to parent show Dynasty. Casual sci-fi fans should be aware of this given the effects and the guys behind it.

If nothing else, it gives the Bobby in the shower cliffhanger a huge run for its money. Awesome!

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Published by timewarrior1

I am a resident of Northern Ireland and have been a life long science fiction and horror fan. My desire to write for his favourite show Doctor Who at the age of fifteen led to the birth of the Time warriors series. I am the creator of the Time Warriors and Zombie Blues books. I am a regular attendee at conventions and infamously fell and broke his shoulder at his first Walker Stalker convention in London but still managed to keep my photo ops with both Chandler Riggs and Danai Gurira. I am a keen photographer and also have a secret desire to be the first Irish Doctor Who. Russell T Davies I have stories galore for the show!

One thought on “The Greatest Cliffhanger You Never Knew About!

  1. This certainly brings back memories. I enjoyed Dynasty, given my fandom of soaps that started in the 80s, and this cliffhanger was quite an affirmation of how far such a show might go to make an impression on its audience. Although I don’t enjoy soaps anymore, it’s good to look back on many great moments which YouTube thankfully makes possible. Thank you for this article.

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