The Time Warriors meet Andy Secombe, the voice of Watto

By Owen Quinn author of the Time Warriors and Zombie Blues

Photos opright Owen Quinn

It’s not a convention without a Star Wars element and this time I ticked another one off the list by meeting Andy Secombe, the voice of the roguish and sly Watto from The Phantom Menace.

Watto is probably my favourite character from that movie as he was so different from anything that had come before. That distinct voice and ducking and diving with Qui Gon Jinn played by our very own Liam Neeson.

Andy was very polite and interested in the fan and if I hd the ash i would have taken all of the photos of Watto he had signed. Thee larger figure is on my list to get for my collection and now with my signed Watto photo, that ambition is one step closer.

It was a pleasure to meet him.

Published by timewarrior1

I am a resident of Northern Ireland and have been a life long science fiction and horror fan. My desire to write for his favourite show Doctor Who at the age of fifteen led to the birth of the Time warriors series. I am the creator of the Time Warriors and Zombie Blues books. I am a regular attendee at conventions and infamously fell and broke his shoulder at his first Walker Stalker convention in London but still managed to keep my photo ops with both Chandler Riggs and Danai Gurira. I am a keen photographer and also have a secret desire to be the first Irish Doctor Who. Russell T Davies I have stories galore for the show!

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